Walkie Talkie – The social way to exercise

April 16, 2012 Suzie

Amongst my friends I am probably known as that annoying one who always makes them walk when they ask me for coffee or lunch etc. it’s just what I do. I’ve fondly named them ‘walkie talkies’ 🙂

I’m all for catch ups, I love them, they are fundamental to a healthy and functioning friendship. What I don’t like however is the food and drink that usually goes hand in hand with a catch up. If it’s during the day and the situation is appropriate let’s go for a walk. Yep get outside, pound the pavement and get up to speed on all the goss and news events of my friend’s lives.

People will argue that this is not real exercise. Well even though it’s not a tough workout it sure as hell is better for my arse than sitting on it.

Think of all the benefits of walking…

  • Using your leg muscles
  • Depending on speed, getting your heart rate up and therefore training aerobically
  • Stretches out your body, improving mobility and flexibility
  • Being outside gives you a nice dose of Vitamin D
  • Breaks up your day
  • Relieves stress
  • Getting out in the fresh air can clear your head
  • Sharing your walk with a friend makes it go faster and you are also multi-tasking, exercising whilst having a goo old chat!


Try it out, your purse and bum/hips/thighs will thank you for it 😉