How to overcome Winter training obstacles
We’ve identified the pros to training during winter and also looked at the cons. Let’s now help you overcome any obstacles you may be facing so you can achieve your goals.
- Choose the right clothing – “there is no such thing as bad weather – just bad clothing choices”. Dress for the weather, layering is highly recommended. Try for 2 thin tops, with one being long sleeved and able to be taken off. Look for tops that use high-wicking materials, they take sweat away from your skin allowing you to stay warm without overheating. You may like to add fleece to start with, this will also be handy as you finish up your workout to keep you warm. A hat (beanie) may also be a good option for you as heat is lost through the head. Depending on the temperature and the type of exercise you are doing, gloves may also be appropriate and useful.
- Change the tyres, on your feet – check your training shoes, just like tyres on a car or bike they get worn out through usage over time. You are more likely to slide on wet or icy surfaces and without good grip on your shoes you increase your risk of injury.
- Alter goals seasonally – with shorter daylight it can be hard to stick to your original goals depending on what they are. Use the change in season as an opportunity to update your goals and making sure they are realistic and achievable. Work with what you’ve got. For example, if you usually train after work, reduce the amount of time you exercise and/or workout in your lunch hour. You would be getting out in the sunshine and getting some of that essential Vitamin D from sun exposure, not to mention some fresh air. You could cut down the time but increase the frequency or the intensity of your workouts. There is always a way, sometimes you just need to think outside the box.
Boost that motivation – music can be an exceptional motivation tool. Music has the power to change your mood dramatically. It can make you sad, make you happy and seriously change your current state of mood from lazy to pumped and ready for anything. Use the power of music to get you up on those dark cold mornings, or out of the house when it’s raining and miserable. Create your own power playlist to motivate yourself and take control.
- Motivation is contagious – team up with a training buddy of a group for extra motivation. You will be more likely to attend workouts and work hard, you are being held accountable. Training with others adds a social dynamic and encourages a bit of healthy competition. Again why not take the training outdoors and soak up some of that vitamin D, you’ll be doing your body good and will feel better about the longer winter nights.
- Keep it clean people – germs spread like wildfire in winter, you will notice in the office and especially if you have children. Whilst you can’t always prevent getting sick you can absolutely decrease your chances of getting sick and reduce the length of illness. Firstly let’s start with the most obvious and clichéd, washing your hands frequently. You come in to contact with lots of germs every day in the most common and uncommon of places. Think doorknobs, keyboards, handles, petrol pumps, toilet doors, rails, buttons etc. Before you eat make sure you wash your hands and don’t touch your mouth or eyes etc. Quarantine the sickly, at the office try and steer clear of the Mr sniffles and Mrs outrageously loud cough/spluttering, if you can encourage them to go home, and if not, steer clear. Don’t share cups or utencils with others and definitely keep yours separate if you are sick so nobody else uses them. Use a tissue for sneezes and coughs, and have a bottle of hand sanitiser with you. These little bottles are pure genius when it comes to using public toilets and public transport in the germy season. Drink lots of water and eat a diet rich in highly nutritious foods to boost your immune system and keep your health in check. Get a good night’s sleep and if you feel like you’re on the verge of getting sick, ease up and rest, increase vitamins and flush it out of your system
Now there’s really no excuse not to exercise during Winter is there 😉