Pre & Post Mummys

Mums are amazing!

Unfortunately there is still a stigma attached to exercising whilst pregnant. The idea that pregnancy should be treated almost like an illness – with rest.

If you think about it pregnancy is like training for a marathon. First there is the mighty task of not only growing and carrying a heavy load for 9 months but then to embark on the challenge of labour. Not to mention the repetitious movements carried out when baby has arrived. All these stages call for strength, endurance and flexibility.  So why not give yourself an advantage and train for these challenges? Wouldn’t you want your body to be in the best health and fitness state possible?

Then baby comes and the real challenge begins, looking after your baby! So many post natal clients faced the challenge of finding time for themselves, their health and fighting the urge to put everyone else before them. Seeing the change in post natal clients as they focus on their own goals and health is veryinspiring. When they regain their pre-pregnancy body and feel strong, fit and most importantly confident in themselves. Raising children is not an easy job, wouldn’t it be great to find time for you and increase your strength and energy to enjoy your children?

For more information on training during pregnancy and when it is safe to train after having a baby, sign up for my free newsletter to gain instant download for my free ebook “The 10 most common questions I get asked as a Personal Trainer”










“I just had a baby and wasn’t feeling too good with myself after piling an extra 20kg due to my pregnancy, in came Suzie. Suzie sat down with me and really listened to me about what I wanted to achieve and how she was going to help me make it happen. Together we talked about nutrition and she set out an exercise program to start me off, and together we set off. It was great to have Suzie there pushing me to the max because she believed in what I could do and more that I could do it, I am now 20kg down and more is coming off thanks to her hard work and dedication to me.”

Leah Cunningham