
1. Stand feet hip width apart. Arms can be straight out in front, crossed across your chest or wherever you feel comfortable.
2. Bending both knees lower your bum as if you are going to take a seat on a chair. Depending on your flexibility you may be able to squat beyond 90 degree angle, if you can do so safely and with good form, do so.
3. Share the weight between your legs.
4. Make sure you keep your chest up and gaze forward. Keep feet flat on floor,

Tip – if you have problems with your knees sit your weight through your heels and push through the heels to activate the glutes and hamstring as you come up. This will take pressure off your knees. If your heels come off floor you may have tight calves or hamstrings that need stretching out.

Target= all of leg muscles, glutes and core.