Category: Motivation

April 23, 2012 Suzie

Word of warning, slight vent ahead!

Without going into too much detail I am having to follow a strict diet for a while for health reasons (nothing serious!) and the process has inspired this post.

This is not a post about why dieting isn’t good for your weight, how it will make you yo yo and put weight back on. It is not about fad diets that are crazy and extreme and not good for your health at all. I am using the word diet in this post in terms of restricted eating, not because I want to lose weight.

I’ve been on a lot of diets in my youth, i’ve wanted to try them all to find the secret to quick weight loss. Now, as a trainer I wish I could go back in time slap myself with some sense. Dieting by your own choice is one thing but having to eat a certain way due to medical reasons is another. I have so much more respect and empathy for these people now, how frustrating it must be to live with it.

Trust me you have no idea what food actually contains until you are restricted. So here are my top 5 reasons why diets suck


1. Eating out and celebrations

When trying to choose healthy options in the past I looked at it like I was doing a good thing for myself, I was looking after my body and it was my choice to do so. When you’re restricted on a diet you are not allowed certain foods therefore the freedom of choice is taken. Recently I found myself in 2 predicaments. 1 – I went out to dinner with friends and knowing this in advance I looked up the restaurant’s menu online and chose the best option. In reality what came out of the kitchen wasn’t as healthy as it described in the menu which was very frustrating. 2 -At the next dinner out I asked the waitor for a side salad with no dressing which they declined, seriously how much does a few pieces of lettuce cost??! Having to sit at the table while everyone ate garlic bread was just cruel but hey the ordeal was over with within 10 minutes and then I forgot about it.

Socialising is heavily related to food. I control what I can but what about those things you can’t? Parties, weddings, events? Times you can’t control what food is offered? It’s quite isolating and you often feel like you are being rude for refusing food.


2. Peer pressure

There’s something about when your friend goes on a diet, you just want to convince them not to, that they don’t need to they look fine the way they are. That what they’re doing is silly and unnecessary “go on, just have one piece/sip/plate” “why are you dieting for? Don’t get skinny!” Is it that people genuinely don’t understand or that they don’t want you to succeed? I have to say though, when restricted eating is for your health the pressure is mostly taken off.


3. Temptation

I don’t think i’ve ever noticed how many temptations there are around me in my everyday life. All of a sudden everything is amplified. People walking past you with a coffee, what’s in people’s trolley’s at the supermarket, the smells out of people’s homes as they cook dinner as your walking/running past, a mother feeding their child a sandwich for heavens sake! People offering me temptations is the worst, it also falls under the ‘being rude by refusing’ umbrella. I must admit that temptations die down after a while, it’s just the idea of it that is appealing. Try attending multiple birthday parties and having to eat your own lame fruit salad in lieu of cake… I still thought the fruit was beautiful though!


4. Wanting what you can’t have

Isn’t this, as humans, How we function? The grass is always greener and what not? At first, when I was told I couldn’t have bread I was upset, I don’t know why seeing as I don’t eat bread anyway, but the pure fact that I wasn’t allowed depressed me. Mental strength anyone? I started craving all sorts of random stuff purely because it was on the No No list, luckily that too has subsided.


5. Boring

Enough said.


This is not an all bad post, if you can read between the lines you picked up that i’ve got a handle on it right? Right? In all seriousness, following a diet can be hard. If you do not have to do so for medical reasons then I advise against it, it can cause health problems and weight gain. Instead, why not CHOOSE to eat healthy, you are not restricted, you can have whatever you want but you CHOOSE not to. You indulge every now and then, that’s normal, but you eat sensibly and eat to fuel your body with highly nutritious foods.

Stay tuned, i’m about to flip this article on it’s head… 🙂


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April 16, 2012 Suzie

Amongst my friends I am probably known as that annoying one who always makes them walk when they ask me for coffee or lunch etc. it’s just what I do. I’ve fondly named them ‘walkie talkies’ 🙂

I’m all for catch ups, I love them, they are fundamental to a healthy and functioning friendship. What I don’t like however is the food and drink that usually goes hand in hand with a catch up. If it’s during the day and the situation is appropriate let’s go for a walk. Yep get outside, pound the pavement and get up to speed on all the goss and news events of my friend’s lives.

People will argue that this is not real exercise. Well even though it’s not a tough workout it sure as hell is better for my arse than sitting on it.

Think of all the benefits of walking…

  • Using your leg muscles
  • Depending on speed, getting your heart rate up and therefore training aerobically
  • Stretches out your body, improving mobility and flexibility
  • Being outside gives you a nice dose of Vitamin D
  • Breaks up your day
  • Relieves stress
  • Getting out in the fresh air can clear your head
  • Sharing your walk with a friend makes it go faster and you are also multi-tasking, exercising whilst having a goo old chat!


Try it out, your purse and bum/hips/thighs will thank you for it 😉


March 12, 2012 Suzie

Sometimes when I haven’t done something I’m supposed to do I use the excuse “I just didn’t have the time” is that really the case or did I just not prioritise and organise myself correctly?

After reading this article I felt quite lazy and unambitious!

Read me


Hat’s off to ladies who seem to manage it all 🙂


March 7, 2012 Suzie

It is possible to exercise, fundraise, inspire and be completely awesome all at the same time… Do something fun and memorable this Mother’s Day!

This Mother’s Day May12th I ask you to put your shoes on and get walking or running for breast cancer. The Mother’s Day Classic is a fantastic event held every mothers day in the Domain in Sydney and Parramatta Park in Parramatta. You have the option of walking or running 4km or 8km, it’s about banding together and showing support for those who have been affected by breast cancer.

It’s something I feel strongly about and even though I am not the greatest runner i’ve been proud to participate for the past few years.


“The initiative was inspired by the knowledge that research is gradually improving the survival rate of the one in nine women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85.

All proceeds from the Mother’s Day Classic are donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, a not for profit organisation that promotes and supports research into breast cancer prevention and treatment. Since 1998 the Mother’s Day Classic has raised  $10.8 million dollars”

I am putting it out there to women and men of all ages and fitness levels to join me this year as a team initiative. Let’s support each other and promote this worthy cause.

Join team RĂȘve and be part of something special. If you are interested in participating please send me an email via my contact page and let me know which event you are going to register for. You will then receive information on how to register in team Reve, and weekly homework aimed to get you ready for your specified race. It doesn’t matter whether you have ever run before, these 8week programs will get you ready for the event, you’re not alone, I’m here to help!!

Whether you personally have been affected by breast cancer, whether it was your mother, grandmother, aunty, sister, cousin, daughter, friend or no one at all; let’s come together and show our support. Let’s inspire others by working hard and proving to ourselves that we can make a difference and can do anything we put our minds to.

One Sunday morning walk/jog can make a huge impact. I guarantee you willl finish with a smile on your face. Grab a friend or go it alone, get excited and get involved by emailing me now 🙂

Spread this post like a pre-schooler spreads a cold in winter by using the links below or emailing this post’s link to your buddies 🙂

I’m looking forward to receiving your emails, forming an impressive group and meeting and supporting you all on the day!!   CONTACT ME 🙂

February 23, 2012 Suzie

This photo has been doing the rounds via facebook and twitter and popular blog sites. Just in case you havent seen it, here you go.

Love it!

I think we all get caught up on body image, we often fail to realise that when it comes down to it, it doesn’t, matter how you look but how you feel. Sure being skinny is a lot of people’s aspirations but what good is it if you can’t climb a set of stairs without getting puffed out or not able to hold your own body weight, or keep up chasing after your kids?

When you’re fit and strong it’s almost like you have obtained super powers (just go with it for a second). Things that used to be hard or that others find hard are easier, your energy lasts longer and you perform better.

That lady in the above photo is super lean… you don’t need to be big and bulky to be strong, you can be lean and stronger than the beefcakes on the benchpress!

Whatever your goals are, don’t lose sight of what really matters to your health.

Doesn’t that photo just make you want to go exercise? Let’s go! 🙂



February 21, 2012 Suzie

If I really want something does the universe really conspire to help me achieve it? I like to think so.

I was going through my book case the other day looking for a book to read that didn’t involved anything to do with health or fitness. My brain needed something different! I came across a book I bought years ago that left a lasting impression.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a beautiful and wise book about a man on a journey. His journey takes him far and wide, it makes him question everything, it exposes him to a wide variety of people and their stories and it gives him a new perspective. It’s about dreams and realisation, love and loss.

I picked up the book and realised i’d marked a page, I guess past Suzie was sending future Suzie a message. I would like to share a section of that page with you. It is taken from the introduction and is talking about having the courage to confront our dreams. You may just find it is telling you something too.

“We who fight for our dream, suffer far more when it doesn’t work out, because we cannot fall back on the old excuse “Oh, well, I didn’t really want it anyway.” We do want it and know that we have staked everything on it and that the path of the personal calling is no easier than any other path, except that our whole heart is in this journey. Then, we warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how. ”

“I ask myself: are defeats necessary?”

“Well, necessary or not, they happen. When we first begin fighting for our dream, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do. Everyone has dreams, big or small. Is it worth fighting to achieve them with the risk of failure? Absolutely.

Never give up.


If you know someone who might need some words of wisdom please share this post by using the share buttons below 🙂


February 17, 2012 Suzie

I hate homework!

When I realised that the first part of the program was to do some homework I was hesitant. I don’t have time to do homework
.. Can’t you just tell me what I need to do?

Well on reflection (after doing the homework) I think this is the whole point of the program – this isn’t about what other people are telling you to do – this is about how you feel and what you want to do – only you can make changes for your self.

So I was pleasantly surprised that “homework” didn’t mean homework in the traditional sense of the word. It was more of a reflection and some information for you to consider
.. Some food for thought.

I actually found it interesting. There was a motivating story of Suzie’s own struggle with weight and other difficulties she has overcome in the past to get to where she is today, it is a good story because you can relate to a real person.

There was some useful information about different health factors that affect women – I found the pelvic floor muscles particularly interesting.

I had my own experience with pelvic floor issues. During both my pregnancies I had hyper mobility where all my joints were extremely flexible, especially the tops of my legs. After I had my second child I was conscious of doing my pelvic floor exercises – I didn’t want bladder issues!

What I didn’t realise was that my pelvic floor was also helping with everything else not just my bladder (maybe if I had done this program sooner – I would have realised what a vital muscle the pelvic floor is – not just for bladder issues). As a result of my hyper mobility after I had my second child I was still getting some pain and this feeling of being extremely flexible – almost like my leg would come unattached (gross – I know!).

I ended up going to physiotherapy and discovered that my core was extremely unstable and was throwing out my hips and everything else and while I was vigilant about doing my pelvic floor exercises I was actually not doing them properly and so my core was not strengthening. So after some sessions things improved and I am now doing the correct exercises and have noticed the difference in my core strength and the support it provides my body.

The homework component of this program is really a reflection on your health and life at the moment and where you want it to be – what are your goals? The first part of the program really does make you think/reflect about what it is you want and that only YOU can change if YOU want to.

The part I loved about the homework was the spring cleaning – you are asked to do a spring clean of your house/home/garden etc
.. I thinks it was a great way to de-clutter and is symbolic of the change that I am wanting to make in my life – get rid of the unwanted things cluttering up my life/house and start a fresh.

So I actually enjoyed the homework, it wasn’t hard and it motivated me and got me to think about the changes I wanted to make.

I’m excited for the next step
..bring on part 2!!



(photo from The Daily Riff)

February 8, 2012 Suzie

“Float like a buttefly, sting like a bee…” or at least just try to keep up and keep breathing!

It had been a while since I had been on the attacking side of boxing. I’ve been receiving punches from clients for a while… I decided it was my turn.

I called up a fellow trainer and friend of mine for a workout. We chose the perfect day – stinking hot and we were out in the park but still loving life! As I followed her commands and got into my groove it brought back fantastic memories of learning to box.

There are MANY benefits of boxing, it is a fantastic workout and definately challenges a range of skills. Firstly though I must say that there is a difference between proper boxing and pad work and boxercise type boxing. I did not learn proper boxing in a fight scenario, I learnt padwork for Personal Trainers to use with their clients and how to teach it. Boxercise is a high volume saturation type of boxing. There’s a little less skill and focus on technique involved, it’s fun, social and incorporates other exercises with it i.e push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges and running.  Whatever it is you’re doing though you’re in for a great workout!

According to Punchfit (where I became accredited) “Boxing is one of the most demanding but also most rewarding forms of exercise training. It conditions your entire body and provides one of the most challenging and enjoyable workouts of any sport. The physiological as well as psychological benefits of boxing are extensive. These include increased self discipline and self confidence, increased agility, speed, coordination, endurance and strength. Unlike most forms of training, reflexes are also improved and skills are learnt.”

“Boxing is a high intensity full-body workout that will make you physically stronger as well as aerobically and anaerobically fitter. It is a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems as well as training upper body, lower body and core strength. Calorie expenditure and fat burning are very elevated during boxing as it is such a high intensity workout utilizing large muscle groups and constantly keeps you moving. Boxing does not tend to add muscle bulk as much as tone and define muscle because it involves such high repetitions.”

“Boxing is a workout that can accommodate for all levels of strength and fitness and can be enjoyed by beginner to advanced participants. Drills can easily be modified to increase or decrease intensity and complexity of the workout. ”

With benefits like that what are you waiting for?

Some things to keep in mind though, boxing is not recommended for pregnant women. If you have weak wrists it would be a good idea to get wrist supports or strapping and make sure you are well hydrated.

You can get involved at any level. Whether it’s joining a boxing class at a gym or a proper boxing gym, practising with a friend, getting a punching bag or focus pads, enlisting the help of a PT who specialises in boxing or martial arts.  Getting a few lessons in the basics is well worth it, and I highly recommend it. You can then take those skills and workout by yourself or with friends safely.

Had a bad day or week? Feeling a bit frustrated? I guarantee you will feel better after a good boxing workout.  It’s a great stress release and quite theraputic as you picture your antagonizers face on the focus pad as you punch!

So will I be calling upon my friend for another workout? You betcha and i’ll be serving it back to her 😉


For more information visit the Punchfit website here

Or maybe read some common questions or fears  here


Happy boxing people!

February 6, 2012 Suzie

“They’re all looking at me, I can’t  do it.”

I thought I would share a common problem/excuse/paranoia with you often experienced by some of my female clients.

When giving clients programs I always include strength work, now in some circumstances this can mean mixing with men in the free-weights section of the gym.  I’m not oblivious to the fact that in some gyms men are quite a scary feature. They can be intimidating and I do not deny that. When I first started training by myself pre-trainer days I would either stick to the ladies only section or classes. I walked quickly past the weights areas and kept my head down at busy times (my gym was frequented by some big loud dudes). It was only when I did my PT course that I mixed with free weights and learned what to do properly and gained confidence.  When I started working at the gym I quickly got into the habit of frequenting the free weights section, in peak periods it was swarming with try-hards. All grouping around the same machine or bench for ages and egging each other on, checking themselves out in the mirrors and using far too many dumbbells than they actually needed. I found this extremely frustrating.

Having gone through it myself I understand my client’s fears. But the thing was the more I entered that area the more I became comfortable with it. The fact is I had just as much right to be there as they did and that is what I kept telling myself, I had a program to complete and I was going to do it.

When working at the gym I made a point to always take my female clients in this section, they felt more comfortable with me there and I wanted to make sure they had access to the best equipment and weights. Would they go there by themselves? Some of them no but I did successfully change a few minds.

A common excuse for not performing an exercise at the gym is “they’re all looking at me”. Now I will not insult your intelligence and lie to you, the fact is some people at the gym are watching you, even the trainers. However I will tell you this, most people are so caught up in themselves and what they’re doing they really don’t give a toss what you are doing and the ones that do should get a life.

At the end of the day do you really care what a stranger at the gym thinks of you? Who cares if you are using lighter weights than them or if they are doing more complicated exercises than you? The fact is you’re there improving your body and your health, pat on the back to you for doing it. That is all you should focus on. Focus on what you need to do and don’t let anybody make you feel like you don’t deserve to be there.

Power on ladies!

February 1, 2012 Suzie

When a new season of Biggest Loser comes to air I know i’m in for two things. 1. Lot’s of questions from clients 2. Some new clients

Now I’m not one for controversy, this post is not to slam the show at all. I think there are both positives and negatives to the show and hopefully viewers are affected by the positives. I just want to discuss a few things that usually get asked and hopefully clear up any confusions or misconceptions.

I used to watch the Biggest Loser when it first started, I oohed and ahhed at the weight loss each week and even though watching the show usually made me hungry I was still inspired. I think motivation is probably the best thing to come out of that show. Without fail during every season I would get asked lots of questions by clients and gym goers and the gym would always see an influx of new clientele inspired by the show.

But then reality set in. Clients who were disgruntled they werent achieving the same results as contestants got demotivated and those new clientele quickly dropped off as they realised the work involved.

Here are my issues… The show is built for entertainment. They only show the big dramatic and often dangerous workouts or challenges that impress and amaze audiences. I look at these people who are in heart attack territory pulling a plane and I wonder how on earth they are not exploding from the strain. The show would not draw in the same audiences if you saw the trainers giving them safe boring workouts and all the stablising and structural integrity work contestants would need and i’m sure the trainers give them. It just doesn’t make for good TV.

Viewers see the contestants in a half hour show and at the end of the week dropping significant and dare I say sometimes ridiculous amounts of weight. Well here’s the thing, these people are in a 24 hour facility, I don’t know about you but most people don’t have 8 hours a day to exercise. Another thing, the weigh ins aren’t weekly, contestants have a bit more than a week to drop that weight.

The weight loss being represented is dramatic and unrealistic. The weigh in I just watched showed a man (given he was 240 odd kilos) shed 12.4kgs in a ‘week’.  It worries me that people see that and think it’s ok. This is not ok people and does not represent a realistic achievment for the average viewer.

When you lose weight too fast your body can’t handle it, in fact it releases toxins into the body. This can lead to problems. Anyone hear of the past contestants who have had kidney failure, needed gall bladders out? Not to mention the injuries sustained during training? Losing a great deal of weight too quickly, although desireable, is not safe for the body.

I have to say I actually miss the old version of the Biggest Loser, where we saw what contestants were eating and we learnt with them what foods were good and ideas of how to make lifestyle changes. Now sadly it seems that format has been replaced by pure ‘game’ playing and bigger than big fitness challenges.

Ok that seems like a bit of a rant, so here is something positive. I like the fact that The Biggest Loser is a motivator. It reaches people who look at themselves and think they could never change, it shows them it is possible (dramatic, but possible). Trainers on the show like Michelle Bridges have also been able to use the show as their platform and really expand. Along with books Michelle Bridges offers the 12 week Body Transformation 12wbt. Which has helped thousands achieve their goals, you only have to have a look at Twitter to see the kind of following and success stories she has created.

Not to jump the fence entirely, I recently watched the new weight loss show Excess Baggage. I am keeping my opinions close guarded as I have only watched the very first episode. But I would like to share the positives I found from that first episode. I am intrigued that there are no diets or calorie counting, and contestants CHOOSE to participate in workouts. The idea being that it is all up to them and they are the ones who have to choose to change their lives and act upon it. I was also impressed at the dinner when contestants chose their own dinner and their nutritionist/judge Dr Joanna explained what good quality food was. One of the very first things she said was when you lose a lot of weight too quickly you’re losing muscle as well as fat. Thank you Joanna! She insisted on no calorie counting or eating bland boring foods, she explained the benefits of protein, low gi foods and fibre. I was impressed at the educating approach. Finally I was impressed when they met their Physical trainer and Coach Christian and he explained that it’s not about how much weight you lose but the lfiestyle changes you make. I am interested to see how this show pans out.

For people out there who are watching these shows, please remember that these contestants are doing this full time and have expert help at hand. Don’t put pressure on yourself to lose the same amount of weight as them. This is your life and everyone is different. I hope, if you are watching these shows, that you use them as motivation to help yourself.